His staff assaulted an Arlington National Cemetery employee for telling him not to take politically-motivated photographs on hollowed grounds. Now he's promising to remove all the generals to replace them with his own people. How any service member could still support this ridiculous manbaby is beyond comprehension but it gets so much weirder.

Now Mr. Free Speech Businessman is clobbering articles about it on his personal soapbox because that's how detrimental this story is to his own cause.

This is all symbolic for what we have now come to expect from their party. It won't get better when Trump fails for a third time to land the presidency, fourth if you count not getting the popular vote. Instead of dialing it down they continue to double-down while John McCain spins in his grave.

Speaking of spinning in their graves I feel sorry for the so-called Party of Lincoln. Whatever was good about them seems to have died with Richard Nixon's presidency. As much as I want to blame Reagon or Gingrich for any of this it's just more of the same: kicking a dead horse.

Trump isn't the problem here, he's just the symptom of a bigger problem: his enablers. Nothing you are hoping he is going to do for you is worth what you have done to this country. When he is gone the person you find to replace him is only going to be worse.

Re-evaluate your choices while you still can.


Now he's telling everyone it never happened but that if it did happen it was because he was at Arlington for a ceremony that Kamala Harris supposedly "missed" somehow. Gee, something about leaving a poison pill to trip up an incumbent administration sure seems awfully familiar for some reason ...

He's saying the woman at Arlington that his staff assaulted was being emotional. That sure sounds like a confession of some kind coming from him. Oh, and even more interesting and totally not an admission of guilt or anything: he's saying that America's peace agreement which his own administration made with LITERALLY THE TALIBAN which was signed in 2020 when he was still the President was also most embarrassing "day" in US history but somehow it's Biden and Harris who have blood on their hands? Am I getting this right?

How weirdly self-aware for a pathological psychopath.

It's almost like getting us out of Afghanistan was on a timeline that would embarrass the incumbent president as soon as the Taliban gave themselves permission to attack and that this was part of the plan all along. Why does Trump making weird deals with foreign adversaries and then using those deals to attack his opponents seem so familiar, too?

Oh, I get it, he's talking about the day the Taliban--which he signed a peace agreement with--stormed the US Embassy and Hamid Karzai International Airport which was still under US control. So, you know, the thing he definitely did himself because it was his plan all along and no, once that agreement was signed not even Biden's best effort to postpone the withdrawal, which he did in fact do, was going to give us more time to get our people and their refugees out of there by that point. The Taliban took Kabul on August 15, 2021. The original date Trump had agree to abandon the Afghani people was actually May 1st of that same year.

Does he really think he's the hero in this story? Does he really think we've all forgotten what happened or why it happened or who he was trying to hurt when it did? Is he really just rubbing it in our faces at this point that his actions led to what he's now calling the most embarrassing day in US history as if that wasn't entirely his fault and that he wasn't gambling with the lives of American soldiers and the Afghani people when he cut a deal with the fucking Taliban?

One need not wonder if Trump could piss on the graves of our soldiers at Arlington. He was trying to get them killed four years ago so he could throw his little tantrum about it now like a soccer player who caught the wind off an opponent's pinky toe.

Yup, Donnie Knievel here has officially lost his God damn mind. His candidacy is tanking faster than an Afghani refuge falling from the wheel well of a C-17. Someone certainly has blood on their hands alright but it sure as shit wasn't Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. They didn't invite the fucking Taliban to Camp David. They didn't sign the agreement in Doha, Qatar on February 29, 2020. Biden and Harris weren't the ones who gave the Taliban a free pass to attack the Afghani Army. It was you, Donald.

It was you ...

Now it's starting to seem like V.D. Vance's comments about crazy cat ladies might be hinting at what's really going on with his campaign. We aren't really talking about cat ladies, are we Mr. Vance? Trump had a brush with death and is now less fit to be the next President than he's ever been. He's gone completely chuckoo, dude.

If you know anything about what senility looks like you might know that the last thing that a person who is losing their mind actually loses is who they really are way deep down. The things they've spent their whole lives trying to bury start to bubble up to the surface as soon as they start thinking the maid is stealing from them.

We'd all be that much better off with a crazy lady as the president than the guy pretending he didn't just defile the graves of our soldiers in a completely selfish attempt to blame Kamala Harris of all people for his own actions. At least a crazy cat lady might still be nice to people. I doubt she'd be trying to get our own soldiers killed just to further her own efforts to enrich herself on the backs of her donors and the American taxpayer.

Trump just had a near-death experience and he was too busy shaking his fist to even think to put his own freaking head down in case the shooter could have popped off a few more rounds or there had been another wacko with gun pointed as his head. The smartest thing our little wannabe Dare Devil in Chief could ever do in his life would just be to admit that he's out of his element and step down like Biden did. Instead he'll be shaking his fist at the sky trying to punish God for not giving him more until the bitter end on that fateful day the devil chauffers his selfish ass straight to hell where he belongs.

As a side, does anybody know why this clown hates women so much? The only exception seems to be his daughter that he fawns over which certain doesn't explain much. He certainly seems to have a type. Come to think of it Vance doesn't terribly seem to like them either. Rumor has it that he's "very straight" which is totally not weird or anything. Trump's words, not mine. I wonder if he's hinting at something there. It's probably nothing weird and they definitely don't both hate eachother already. It's not like Donald has a history of turning his own people against him or anything.

His mother's name was Mary as in Mary Trump. Why does that name sound so familiar? Oh, I get it now. Yeah, that would actually explain some things. Yikes. I wonder if there's a story there. The phrase "Donald Trump's niece" certainly doesn't give me any warm fuzzies. I wonder how she's doing these days. Sounds like she has about as much love for her uncle as Vivian Musk has for her narcissistic father.

Considering how funny it is to poke fun at Republican for being so weird just because of how strong their reaction is to the idea I'm really starting do wonder what would happen if anyone poked fun at their mothers or asked them if they liked fish sticks for that matter. They seem about as stable as Evel Kniever with a baseball bat and in just as big of a hurry to ruin their careers over something so petty as a few pointed words.